Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pnina Feldman - Debut on List

Business Review Weekly May 26, 1997


Sydney. 51. Married. 11 children. The launch of Diamond Rose, the exploration company 57% owned by Joe Gutnick’s sister Pnina Feldman, is one of the extraordinary events of 1997. Investors were tantalized be tales in the prospectus of her search for the 12 gemstones from the breastplate worn by the high priest in the Jerusalem temple more than 3000 years age. Feldman, a member of the Lubavitch Jewish community, launched Diamond Rose on April 19, the birthday of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, who is reported to have told Gutnick (see separate listing) that the stones were in Australia.

Feldman is married to Rabbi Pinchus Feldman and was principal of Sydney’s Yeshiva Centre girls high school for 10 years. She says that three years ago se picked up a lease offered for sale when her brother was too busy and suggested that she should look at it. Diamond Rose includes 17 gemstone, precious and base-metal exploration tenements in north-western Australia. She and Pinchus handed over the rights in exchange for 57% of the explorer. On listing, the 20c shares soared to a high of $1.75, and Feldman’s paper worth briefly hit $124 million. Of her efforts she says: “If you can have 11 kids, you can do everything.”

- $80 million